
Holiday Programs

Fun and engaging theatre workshops held during the school holidays.

Our Holiday Programs

Young people in Years 1–12 will love these exciting and entertaining school holiday workshops.

School Years 1–6

  • Discover new skills.
  • Create characters.
  • Tell stories.
  • Make new friends.
  • Build confidence.
  • Learn about performance.
  • Have fun in a collaborative and supportive environment.

School Years 7–12

  • Develop performances skills.
  • Explore new techniques.
  • Specialised intensives in devising, scenework, movement, auditions, screen acting, musical theatre… and much more!

Our Holiday Programs are delivered in line with government social distancing requirements and our COVIDsafe plan.

New holiday workshops are announced throughout the year

Current Holiday Programs

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Top Secret

Pssst… can you keep a secret? Join us on a top secret mission in search of the truth.

Who You Are

Young artists in school Years 1–6 will delve through imaginative twists and turns, collaborate to spot red herrings and build to the climactic scene where all will be revealed! Or will it..?

What You’ll Learn

  • An introduction to the elements of theatre making.
  • Practice stagecraft and physical and vocal expression.
  • Share your ideas and opinions about the world.
  • Develop your own artistic voice.
  • Collaborate as a group to devise an original piece of theatre.
  • Perform your theatre piece for family and friends at the end of the workshop.

Meet Your Workshop Artist

Tijana Kovac

Tijana is a bubbly singer, actress and writer who specialises in comedy and accents. She brings her extensive on-stage credits and experience directing and choreographing shows for young people to create a fun, engaging and collaborative workshop environment.

Read more about Tijana…

Get The Details

WHOSchool Years 1–6
WHENMonday 11 April – Wednesday 13 April 2022
9am–3pm daily
WHEREGorman Arts Centre, Braddon

Enrol Today

The Art Of Parody

It’s like a superhero film, but the hero is a pizza chef… or like a fairy tale, except the princess is a pop music diva!

Who You Are

Young artists in school Years 7–10 bring a fresh new perspective to well-known stories. The only limit is the artist’s imagination.

What You’ll Learn

  • Gain skills in imitation, exaggeration and improvisation.
  • Use practical exercises and prompts.
  • Experiment with playbuilding techniques to retell popular tales or a favourite film
  • Express your unique voice and individual experiences.
  • Explore and establish your theatre making toolkit.

Meet Your Workshop Artist

Tijana Kovac

Tijana is a bubbly singer, actress and writer who specialises in comedy and accents. She brings her extensive on-stage credits and experience directing and choreographing shows for young people to create a fun, engaging and collaborative workshop environment.

Read more about Tijana…

Get The Details

WHOSchool Years 7–10
WHENWednesday 20 April – Friday 22 April 2022
10am–4pm daily
WHEREGorman Arts Centre, Braddon

Enrol Today