
Emerge Company

Discover creative skills, define your own artistic practice and gain practical tools to build a sustainable career in the arts.

What Is Emerge Company?

Emerge Company is our training and professional development program that brings together emerging theatre makers aged 18–25 to collaborate, train and create their own work as a company.

Mentored by lead artist Christopher Carroll and industry professional guests, Emerge Company showcases the work of our most promising emerging theatre makers.

Emerge Company 2022 Info Pack

The Program Pillars

Collaborative Theatre Making

Explore a diverse range of theatre making practices and work as a company ensemble to create, develop and perform a dynamic new work.

Professional Development

Collaborate on artistic projects across the company and gain the skills required to develop your own work and produce independent theatre.

Get The Details

WHO18–25 years
WHEN7–9pm Mondays & Wednesdays
Auditions: 9 & 11 May
Block One: 16 May – 29 July
Block Two: 1 August – 18 September 
Block Three: 19 September – 11 November
Performance: week commencing 31 October
WHEREGorman Arts Centre, Braddon
COSTFull payment: $990
Two instalments: $500 per instalment
Four instalments: $260 per instalment

Apply Today

Our Emerging Artists program is made possible thanks to the Jeremy Spencer Broom Legacy and Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centres.